Jakob Engblom -- Publication List

This is a complete list of all the scientific, popular science, and technical marketing articles I have published in online outlets, magazines, journals, books, conferences and workshops. Conference and workshop publications are listed here when I published a text along with the presentation. For events where I just presented without publishing a paper at the same time, look at the presentations page.


Jakob Engblom and Robert Guenzel: Fuzzing Firmware running on Intel Simics Virtual Platforms, Design and Verification Conference Europe (DVCon Europe) 2023, München, Germany, November 2023.

Kalen Brunham, Anthony Moore, Tobias Rozario, Wei Jun Yeap, and Jakob Engblom: Closed-Loop Model-First SoC Development with the Intel Simics Simulator, Design and Verification Conference Europe (DVCon Europe) 2023, München, Germany, November 2023.

Jakob Engblom and Peter Nyström: RISC-V i Intels simulator, Expertartikel i Elektroniktidningens månadsmagasin, Oktober 2023.


Kalen Brunham and Jakob Engblom: Challenges and Solutions for Creating Virtual Platforms of FPGA and SASIC Designs, Design and Verification Conference Europe (DVCon Europe) 2022, München, Germany, December 2022. [Online proceedings]

Jakob Engblom: Modellera det perifera på Intels språk, Expertartikel i Elektroniktidningens månadsmagasin, November 2022.


Jakob Engblom: Shifting Left Together - Enabling the Ecosystem with Virtual Platforms, Embedded World 2019 Congress, Nürnberg, Germany, February 27, 2019. [PDF], [Slides PDF]


Jakob Engblom: Temporal Decoupling - Are "Fast" and "Correct" Mutually Exclusive?, Design and Verification Conference Europe (DVCon Europe) 2018, München, Germany, October 2018. [Online proceedings]


Jakob Engblom, Andreas Hedström, Xiuliang Wang, Håkan Zeffer: Integrating Different Types of Models into a Complete Virtual System - The Simics SystemC* Library, Design and Verification Conference Europe (DVCon Europe) 2016, Mönchen, Germany, October 2016. [Online proceedings]

Eva Skoglund and Jakob Engblom: Lab in der Cloud, Embedded-Design, Ausgabe IV 2016, June 2016. [Magazine homepage]

Eva Skoglund and Jakob Engblom: Your Lab in the Cloud? (Hebrew), New Tech Magazine, June, 2016. [Online]

Eva Skoglund and Jakob Engblom: Your Lab in the Cloud? (Hebrew), Tech Time Design, June 5, 2016. [Online]

Eva Skoglund and Jakob Engblom: Un laboratorio nel Cloud? ("A Lab in the Cloud"), Elettronica Open Source, May 5, 2016. [Online]

Eva Skoglund and Jakob Engblom: Your Lab in the Cloud?, Electropages, April 13, 2016. [Online]

Jakob Engblom: Internet of Things (IoT) in the Lab - Staging and Testing for the Real World, Embedded World 2016 Congress, Nürnberg, Germany, February 23, 2016. [PDF]


Jakob Engblom: Wenn ein Hotelkauf nicht infrage kommt, Smart Engineering 2015, Elektronik Informationen, October 10, 2015. [Online]

Jakob Engblom: Simulating an IoT system for home automation, EETimes Europe, October 16, 2015. [Online]

Jakob Engblom: Testing Utopia: Simulating all the parts of a system, Connecting Industry/Electronics Magazine, Page 17, July-August 2015. [Online]

Jakob Engblom and Eva Skoglund: Maximizing the benefits of continuous integration with simulation, Embedded.com, July 27, 2015. [Online],

Jakob Engblom: Bâtir l'Internet des objets avec de la simulation de systèmes, L'Embarqué Magazine, No 10, July 2015.

Jakob Engblom: Virtual to the (Near) End - Using Virtual Platforms for Continuous Integration, SKY Talk at the 52nd Design Automation Conference (DAC 2015), 09 June, 2015, San Francisco, California, USA. [PDF] [ACM Digital Library],

Jakob Engblom: Durch Simulation bessere IoT-Systeme entwickeln, Elektronik Praxis, 02 June, 2015, [Online]

Jakob Engblom: Simulating Your IoT design; Will Your Large-Scale Deployment Work in Practice?, RTC Magazine, May 2015, [Online]

Jakob Engblom: System simulation is a way to stress test your IoT application, Embedded Computing Design, May 19, 2015 [Online]

Jakob Engblom: Så simulerar man ett helt IoT-nät, Elektroniktidningen (Magazine), Nr 5 2015, May 2015.

Jakob Engblom: Continuous Integration for Embedded Systems using Simulation, Embedded World 2015 Congress, Nürnberg, Germany, February 24, 2015. [PDF]


Daniel Aarno and Jakob Engblom: Software and System Development using Virtual Platforms, Full-System Simulation with Wind River Simics, Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers, August 2014, ISBN 9780128007259. [MKP/Elsevier Website]


Daniel Aarno and Jakob Engblom: Simics Overview, Chapter 1 in Simics Unleashed - Applications of Virtual Platforms, Intel Technology Journal, Volum 17, Issue 2, 2013, December 2013. [ITJ website]

Daniel Aarno and Jakob Engblom (content architects): Simics Unleashed - Applications of Virtual Platforms, Intel Technology Journal, Volum 17, Issue 2, 2013, December 2013. [ITJ website]

Marius Monton, Jakob Engblom, and Mark Burton: Checkpointing for Virtual Platforms and SystemC-TLM, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Vol 21, Issue 1, pp. 133-141, January 2013. [IEEE]


Jakob Engblom: A review of reverse debugging, System, Software, SoC and Silicon Debug Conference (S4D 2012), Wien, Austria, September 19-20, 2012. [IEEE]


Jakob Engblom (though published with no byline): Kosten Sparen, Embedded Design, September 2011 (German translation of the "Rethink your product planning with a virtual platform" article). [Online]

Jakob Engblom: Virtuelle Platformen, Reele Vorteile, WA3000 Industrial Automation E-Channel, September 2011, Page 4.

Jakob Engblom: Transporting bugs with virtual checkpoints, EETimes, Sept 21, 2011.

Jakob Engblom: Rethink your product planning with a virtual platform, EETimes, Sept 12, 2011.


Jakob Engblom, Daniel Aarno, and Bengt Werner: Full-System Simulation from Embedded to High-Performance Systems, in Processor and System-on-Chip Simulation, Chapter 3, pages 25-45, Springer US , Editors: Reiner Leupers and Olivier Temam, 2010.

Jakob Engblom: Transporting Bugs with Checkpoints, System, Software, SoC and Silicon Debug Conference (S4D 2010), Southampton, UK, September 15-16, 2010. [PDF] [Slides (PDF)] [Additional notes]

Jakob Engblom: OS-medveten analys underlättar avlusning, Embedded expert-artikel, Elektroniktidningen, July 2, 2010.


Marius Monton, Jakob Engblom, and Mark Burton: Checkpoint and Restore for SystemC Models, Forum on Specification and Design Languages (FDL 2009), Sophia Antipolis, France, 22-24 September 2009. [PDF] [Slides (PDF)]

Jakob Engblom, Ross Dickson, and Jason Andrews: Design Flow for Embedded System Device Driver Development and Verification, User-Track on System-level Testing, Verification and Emulation, Design Automation Conference (DAC) 2009, San Francisco, USA, 29 July 2009.

Jonas Svennebring, John Logan, Jakob Engblom, and Patrik Strömblad: Embedded Multicore, An Introduction, Freescale Semiconductor, Document EMBMCRM Rev 0, July 2009. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom: Virtual Platforms for Multicore System Development, ECNmag.com, 15 May 2009. [Online]


Jakob Engblom: Using virtual platforms to improve AdvancedTCA software development practice, CompactPCI and AdvanctedTCA Systems, September 2008. [Online]

Jakob Engblom: Getting Software into the Hardware Design Loop, Chip Design Magazine, September/August 2008. [Online] [PDF]

Jakob Engblom: Debugging multiprocessor code, EETimes, 17 July 2008. [Online]

Jakob Engblom: Why virtual platforms need cycle-accurate models, SCDSource.com, 8 July 2008. [Online]

Jakob Engblom: Taming the Multicore Beast, Embedded Intel Solutions, June 2008. [Online]

Reinhard Wilhelm, Jakob Engblom, Andreas Ermedahl, Niklas Holsti, Stephan Thesing, David Whalley, Guillem Bernat, Christian Ferdinand, Reinhold Heckmann, Tulika Mitra, Frank Mueller, Isabelle Puaut, Peter Puschner, Jan Staschulat, Per Stenström: The worst-case execution-time problem - overview of methods and survey of tools, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), Volume 7,�Issue 3, April 2008. [ACM Portal] [MRTC Publications]

Jakob Engblom: Simulating Embedded Hardware for Software Development, Class and paper presented at the Embedded Systems Conference, Silicon Valley, San Jose, USA, 17 April 2008. [Slides (PDF)] [PDF]

Jakob Engblom: Modeling language produces TLMs for virtual platforms, SCDSource.com, 10 April 2008. [Online]


Jakob Engblom and Andreas Ermedahl: Execution Time Analysis for Embedded Real-Time Systems, in Handbook of Real-Time Embedded Systems, Chapter 35, Chapman & Hall/CRC - Taylor and Francis Group, ISBN: 1-58488-678-1, Editor(s): Insup Lee, Jospeh Y-T. Leung, Sang H. Son, 2007

Mikael Bergqvist, Jakob Engblom, Mikael Patel, and Lars Lundegård: Industrial Case Study: The Development of a Full-System Simulator for a Telecom Cluster - CPPemu, Real-Time in Sweden 2007, Västerås, Sweden, August 21-22, 2007.

Jakob Engblom: Using Simulation Tools for Embedded Software Development, Three-part article published on Embedded.com Technical Insights, May 2007. [Part 1, Part 2, Part 3].

Jakob Engblom: Debugging Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems (2007 edition), Two-part class and paper presented at the Embedded Systems Conference, Silicon Valley, San Jose, USA, 3 April 2007. [Slides (PDF)] [PDF]


Mikael Bergqvist, Jakob Engblom, Mikael Patel, and Lars Lundegård: Some Experience from the Development of a Simulator for a Telecom Cluster (CPPemu), Proc. Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2006), Dallas, Texas, USA, 13-15 Nov 2006. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom and Dan Ekblom: Simics: a commercially proven full-system simulation framework, Workshop on Simulation in European Space Programmes (SESP 2006), Noordwijk, Netherlands, 6-8 Nov 2006. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom and Mattias CW Holm: A Fully Virtual Multi-Node 1553 Bus Computer System, Proc. Data Systems in Aerospace, Berlin, Germany, May 2006. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom: Debugging Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems, Class and Paper presented at the Embedded Systems Conference Silicon Valley (ESC), San Jose, USA, April 2006. [PDF] [Online] [Slides]

Jakob Engblom, Bengt Werner, and Guillaume Girard: Testing Embedded Software using Simulated Hardware, Proc. Embedded Real-Time Software (ERTS 2006), Toulouse, France, January 2006. [PDF]


Erik Hagersten, Lars Albertsson, and Jakob Engblom: Parallella program ger paradigmskifte, Elektroniktidningen, Issue 13, 18 October 2005. [PDF]

Andreas Ermedahl, Friedhelm Stappert, and Jakob Engblom: Clustered Worst-Case Execution-Time Calculation, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 54, No. 9, September 2005. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom, David Kågedal, Andreas Moestedt, and Johan Runeson: Developing Embedded Networked Products using the Simics Full-System Simulator, Proc. 16th IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2005), Berlin, Germany, September 2005. [PDF]

The ARTIST Education Group (P. Caspi, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, L. Almeida, A. Benveniste, B. Bouyssounouse, G. Buttazzo, I. Crnkovic, W. Damm, J. Engblom, G. Folher, M. Garcia-Valls, H. Kopetz, Y. Lakhnech, F. Laroussinie, L. Lavagno, G. Lipari, F. Maraninchi, Ph. Peti, J. De La Puente, N. Scaife, J. Sifakis, R. De Simone, M. Torngren, P. Verissimo, A. J. Wellings, R. Wilhelm, T. Willemse, And W. Yi): Guidelines for a curriculum on embedded software and systems, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), Volume 4, Issue 3, Pages 587-611, August 2005. [ACM]

Anders Möller, Per Åberg, Fredrik Löwenhielm, Jakob Brundin, Jakob Engblom, and Mikael Nolin: Developing and testing distributed CAN-based real-time control-systems using a single PC, In 10th international CAN Conference, CAN in Automation, Roma, Italy, March 2005. [PDF]


Jakob Engblom: "Understanding Your C Compiler: How to Minimize Code Size", Chapter 18 of The Firmware Handbook, edited by Jack Ganssle. Elsevier/Newnes, 2004.


Andreas Ermedahl, Friedhelm Stappert, and Jakob Enblom: Clustered Calculation of Worst-Case Execution Times, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Compilers, Architectures, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES 2003), San Jose, US, Oct-Nov 2003. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom: Full-System Simulation Technology, Extended abstract in the proceedings of ESSES 2003 (European Summer School on Embedded Systems), Västerås, September 2003. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom: Embedded Systems Computer Architecture, Extended abstract appearing in the proceedings of ESSES 2003 (European Summer School on Embedded Systems), Västerås, September 2003. [PDF]

Reinhard Wilhelm, Jakob Engblom, Stephan Thesing, and David Whalley: Industrial Requirements for WCET Tools -- Answers to the ARTIST Questionnaire, Presented at the WCET03 workshop (Held in conjunction with the 15th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems), Porto, Portugal, June 2003.

Jakob Engblom: Analysis of the Execution Time Unpredictability caused by Dynamic Branch Prediction, Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Real-Time/Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2003), Washington, US, May-June 2003. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom, Andreas Ermedahl, Mikael Sjödin, Jan Gustafsson, Hans Hansson: Execution-Time Analysis for Embedded Real-Time Systems, International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT), Volume 4, Issue 4, 2003. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom, Thomas Watzlawick, and Andreas Barth: Der ausgequetschte Code. A translation into German of "Getting the least out of Your C Compiler", with added examples. Produced by the German office of IAR Systems. Published in Elektronik, issues 8, 10, and 12, 2003. This article was selected as one of the articles of the year by Elektronik, at an award ceremony in March 2004.


Jakob Engblom and Bengt Jonsson: Processor Pipelines and Their Properties for Static WCET Analysis, Proceedings of the Second Embedded Software Conference (EMSOFT 02), Grenoble, France, October 2002. LNCS 2491, Springer Verlag. [PDF],

Martin Carlsson, Jakob Engblom, Andreas Ermedahl, Jan Lindblad, and Björn Lisper: Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis of Disable Interrupt Regions in a Commercial Real-Time Operating System, 2nd Workshop on Real-Time Tools (RTTOOLS 2002), Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2002. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom and Magnus Nilsson: Time-Accurate Simulation: Making a PC Behave Like a 8-Bit Embedded CPU, Dept. of Information Technology Technical Report 2002-024, July 2002. [PDF]

Andreas Ermedahl, Friedhelm Stappert, Jakob Engblom: A Unified Flow Information Language for WCET Analysis, WCET Workshop, Wien, June 2002. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom: Effects of Branch Predictors on Execution Time, Dept. of Information Technology Technical Report 2002-013, April 2002. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom: Processor Pipelines and Static Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis, PhD Thesis. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 36, (Uppsala University Thesis 1832, ISBN 91-554-5228-0), April 19, 2002. [Download or book]. Errata sheet: [PDF]

Jakob Engblom: Sköldpadda förebild för datorforskare, Two-page brief popular introduction to the field of real-time research (in Swedish), which won the first prize in the ARTES popular science competition 2002. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom and Andreas Ermedahl: One Millisecond Too Late is Too Late, a two-page introduction to WCET analysis, which won an honorary prize in the ARTES popular science competition 2002. [PDF]


Jakob Engblom, Andreas Ermedahl, and Friedhelm Stappert: Validating a Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis Method for an Embedded Processor, Dept. of Information Technology Technical Report 2001-030, December 2001. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom: On Hardware and Hardware Models for Embedded Real-Time Systems, The IEEE Workshop on Real-Time Embedded Systems (WRTES 2001) (held in conjunction with RTSS 2001), London, UK, December 2001. [PDF]

Friedhelm Stappert, Andreas Ermedahl, Jakob Engblom: Efficient Longest Executable Path Search for Programs with Complex Flows and Pipeline Effects, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Compilers, Architectures, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES 2001), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, November 2001. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom, Andreas Ermedahl, Jakob Engblom: A Worst-Case Execution-Time Analysis Tool Prototype for Embedded Real-Time Systems, Workshop on Real-Time Tools (RT-TOOLS 2001) held in conjunction with CONCUR 2001, Aalborg, Denmark, August 2001. [PDF]

Friedhelm Stappert, Andreas Ermedahl, Jakob Engblom: Efficient Longest Executable Path Search for Programs with Complex Flow and Pipeline Effects, Dept. of Information Technology Technical Report 2001-012, August 2001. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom: Getting the Least Out of Your C Compiler, Class and paper presented at the Embedded Systems Conference San Francisco (ESC SF), April 2001. [PDF]


Jakob Engblom and Andreas Ermedahl: Modeling Complex Flows for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis, Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2000), Orlando, Florida, USA, December 2000. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom, Andreas Ermedahl, and Friedhelm Stappert: Structured Testing of Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis Methods, Work-in-Progress session of the 21st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2000), Orlando, Florida, USA, December 2000. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom, Andreas Ermedahl, and Friedhelm Stappert: Comparing Different Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis Methods, Work-in-Progress session of the 21st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2000), Orlando, Florida, USA, December 2000. [PDF]


Jakob Engblom and Andreas Ermedahl: Pipeline Timing Analysis Using a Trace-Driven Simulator, Extended version of a paper presented at the 6th Internation Conference on Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA '99), Hong Kong, December 1999. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom: Embedded Code != Desktop Code. Why SpecInt95 Should Not Be Used to Benchmark Embedded Systems Tools, Poster presented at the Swedish National Association for Real-Time Conference 1999 (SNART '99), Linköping, Sweden, August 1999. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom: Static Properties of Commercial Embedded Real-Time Programs, and Their Implication for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis, Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS '99), Vancouver, Canada, June 1999. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom: Why SpecInt95 Should Not Be Used to Benchmark Embedded Systems Tools, Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 1999 Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES '99), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, May 1999. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom, Andreas Ermedahl, Mikael Sjödin, Jan Gustafsson, and Hans Hansson: Towards Industry-Strength Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis, ASTEC Technical Report 99/02 and DoCS Technical report 99/109, April 1999. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom: Sköldpadda förebild för datorforskare, Two-page brief popular introduction to the field of real-time research (in Swedish). [PDF]


Jakob Engblom: Static Properties of Commercial Real-Time and Embedded Systems, ASTEC Technical Report 98/05 and DoCS Technical Report 98/102, Release 2, November 1998. [PDF]

Jakob Engblom, Andreas Ermedahl, and Peter Altenbernd: Facilitating Worst-Case Execution Times Analysis for Optimized Code, Proceedings of the 10th Euromicro Real-Time Systems Workshop, Berlin, Germany, June 1998. [PDF]


Jakob Engblom, Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis for Optimized Code: MSc Thesis DoCS 97/94, October 1997. [PDF]

Johan Arthursson, Jakob Engblom, Ing-Marie Jonsson, Rehan Mirza, Gustaf Naeser, Mikael Olsson, Robert Ottenhag, Dan Sahlin, Maria Schmid, Bertil Spolander, and Elham Zolfonoon: A Platform for Secure Mobile Agents, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology, London, April 1997. [PDF]